Machine Learning Coding Tutorial 1. Hello World

The tutorial is about making a simple machine learning Python program. The program takes a description of the fruit as input and predicts whether it’s an apple or orange as output based on features like its weight and surface texture.

Here we go, a few lines of Python code is all it takes to write your first machine learning program!


Create a python file with any text editor and write following code to program.

Please read comments carefully to understand the meaning of codes.

GoodTecher Machine Learning Coding Tutorial

a simple Machine Learning Program to classify a pieces of fruit 

The program takes a description of the fruit as input 
and predicts whether it's an apple or orange as output 
based on features like its weight and surface smoothness

# Import Decision Tree from python `scikit-learn` library
# Decision Trees are a non-parametric supervised learning method used for classification and regression. 
from sklearn import tree

# Training Data
# sample fruit features: weight, surface texture (0: bumpy, 1: smooth)
features = [[140, 1], [130, 1], [150, 0], [170, 0]]
# sample fruit labels: {0: orange, 1: apple}
labels = [0, 0, 1, 1]

# Build a Decision Tree Classifier
clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier()
# Use training data to train classifier by supervised learning
# Or in other words, 
# the classifier is learning by finding patterns from example training data 
clf =, labels)

# output the prediction for a fruit
print (clf.predict([[160, 0]]))

Run the program with the following command in Terminal (Mac) or Command Prompt (Windows):


Do you see the program predicts a correct result?

Yep. The machine is clever lol.



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